About Us
SUS Link is a charity dedicated to the promotion of excellence in the delivery of healthcare everywhere through the sharing of knowledge, skills and best practices.
Created in 1994 by Dr. Dagmar Horvath and Mr. Jan Hedera, and later in 1998 incorporated as a US 501(c)(3) charity, SUS Link initially focussed on benefiting scholars from Slovakia and the Czech Republic.
SUS Link began by creating scholarships and awarding them to promising teachers of medicine, promising doctors and promising medical students. It's original strategy was to provide access for these scholars to advanced education in the United States in order to promote excellence in medical and social development for Eastern European citizens who had historically been disadvantaged compared to the USA.
Appropriate candidates were selected from applicants through careful interviews and references. Successful candidates were typically hosted by the SUS Link board members who provided free accomodation, meals and transportation for their guests. The scholars received individually tailored benefits according to their education, experience and specialization. A process of consultation was used to determine the maximum achievable benefit for each candidate according to the resources available at the time.
The results of the charity's works were measurable immediately. For example, significant benefit was achieved in the treatment of a very painful middle ear condition that was previously left untreated in children. The diagnosis and treatment of aleep apnea was introduced for the first time to the target nations. The first private multi-modality imaging centre was founded in Slovakia despite great odds . Many other benefits have shown themselves over the longer term.
SUS Link also provides much needed educational materials to disadvantaged healthcare organizations that are limited by funds or access. For example, we donated reference materials for pediatric orthopedic surgery to the department of orthopedics at Bratislava's Komensky University, and medical tools and equipment to Detska Fakultna Nemocnica, a government-funded public hospital in Slovakia.
Today, SUS Link continues along the same lines upon which it was founded. But today, SUS Link makes available its opportunities to candidates from any and every disadvantaged nation. Disadvantage is a loose term that varies with history and time. Simplistically stated, every applicant is considered according to a process of consultation and deliberation and predicted outcomes. We also have an initiative to offer free technological services to everyone free of charge to bridge gaps to development of technologies and services, such as secure electronic storage of medical records including radiological images (PACS). Our goal remains unchanged, but our scope and reach has expanded.
Since 1998 the charity has raised funds through the efforts of its wonderful contributors and volunteers and their tireless dedicated work. But fund raising is only one enabler for our efforts. Another important enabler is the generosity of outstanding physicians and teachers who have freely volunteered and shared their experience and knowledge. And so many of our volunteers enable the practical aspects of hosting our scholars, such as transportation, entertainment, and companionship. Without all of these components, our charity could not accomplish its goals year after year, and our success is a tribute to the efforts of each and every volunteer.
Our ranks need and always welcome human beings who are inspired to love and serve others without condition. We can succeed only through the participation of like-minded souls who value the importance of sharing and advancing the quality of life everywhere.
Please join us!
Our Board of Directors

Co-founder and President
Dagmar was trained as a pediatric surgeon in Slovakia. She has 5 grand children. She runs a family practice in San Jose California. She originally started the charity in order to "repay" her country of birth for the benefits she received from her medical education there.
email: [email protected]

Eric is a father and works as a technologist, healthcare software engineer and high-tech facilities manager in Silicon Valley California.
email: [email protected]

Beata is an entrepreneur and landscape architect. She resides in Bratislava Slovakia. She is able to meet and interview our applicants in Europe.
email: [email protected]

Richard is an architect and a high-tech entrepreneur. He lives in Slovakia and has a wide range of experience. He is able to meet and interview our applicants in Europe.
email: [email protected]

Just like you, Cyrus wants to see human beings everywhere enjoy the highest quality of life. He has worked as an entrepreneur, technologist, manager, innovator, problem-solver and has a wide range of experience.
email: [email protected]